
The notary García Amor comes from a family of notaries that had its origin in 1895 with the Judge and Notary Enrique Estrada Villegas, in Morelia Michoacán, later his grandson the Notary Julio García Estrada obtained his patent in 1949 and the Notary Julio Antonio Cuauhtémoc García Amor obtained it in 1992, these offices have been open in Acapulco for seventy-five years. Lawyers and drafting secretaries work there, each of them a specialist in some area of private law. Once you make contact with the Notaries, they will assist you and draft the legal instrument that you require, supported by an efficient legal and tax technical team. Notary García Amor is the author of four Books on Notarial, Civil, Inheritance and Condominium Law, you can purchase these books on Amazon or any branch of the Trillas Publishing House, in Mexico, South America or Spain.


Julio Antonio Cuauhtémoc García Amor

Born in Acapulco Gro. Mexico on October 27, 1955, he is the son of the Notary Julio García Estrada and Mrs. Elena Amor Zamacona, Grandson of Dr. Rosendo Amor Esparza and Dr. Rafael García Munguía, married, Catholic. Studies: Primary and Junior High at Colegio La Salle in Acapulco, High School and Law Bachelors Degree at La Salle University in Mexico city (1970-80). Other studies: Diploma in French Language and Civilization from the University of Paris at the Sorbonne, France (1975); He made studies of Public Finance and a Doctorate in Law at UNAM (1980-1983); He validated his credits of the University of Mexico and Paris in California, USA, were obtains Doctoral degree in International Law from the P. Western U. (1987), with a certificate of good standing until today, in California USA. He was a teacher of Fiscal Law and Introduction to the Study of Law, at the Ibero-American University of Mexico City from 1980-83, later he lives in Acapulco and became Director of the Faculty of Law at the American University of Acapulco, there also he taught Contracts and Obligations, Later he taught Notarial Law at Loyola of the Pacific University. Public Life: Private Secretary of the General Director of the National Tourism Council in Mexico city (1977-83). General Director of the Acapulco Convention Center (1988), Notary Public 18 of Acapulco since 1992, PAN candidate for Mayor of Acapulco 1993, Alternate Federal Congressman (PAN) LVI Legislature 1994-1997, PAN Candidate for the Senate of the Republic in the year 2000: 131,442 votes, State Representative to the H. Congress of the State LVII Legislature 2002-2005 Independent Congressman. Published Books: 5, “History of Notarial Law” 2nd edition, “The Testament” (Inheritance Law) 5th edition, “The Real Estate Purchase” 2nd edition, Distributed by the publishing house Trillas , The Condominium 2nd private edition, Also a coauthor book of anecdotes from his father, Julio Garcia Estrada, a Happy Life, by Libros del sol.

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